SAN DIEGO (October 9, 2015) – Councilmember Alvarez has issued the following statement in response to today’s Regional Plan vote at SANDAG:
“SANDAG’s regional plan, as proposed, is not a balanced plan for all of San Diego. In this plan, major traffic relief and improvements to public transportation in the South Bay and in much of the City of San Diego are pushed decades into the future. If you are stuck in traffic on the I-805 in Chula Vista, this plan says you have to wait years for a reliable alternative. If your commute to downtown on the Blue or Orange lines simply takes too long, this plan says you have to wait 20 years for major improvements. And worst of all, those who support this plan want to raise your taxes to pay for these delays. Our vision should be exciting for all, but this plan is more of the same. It is not visionary or equitable.”
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